How to Catch Bonefish on Tenkara | Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

in Fly Fishing Insider Podcast Blog


Karin Miller describes her journey as a reluctant fly angler who eventually fell in love with Tenkara fishing. She found that using a Tenkara rod improved her skills with a conventional rod and reel. The lightweight and tactile feedback of a Tenkara rod allowed her to feel even the slightest movement and respond quickly. She also discovered that Tenkara flies offered versatility in manipulating the fly to mimic different insects and attract fish. Karin emphasizes the importance of being thoughtful and adaptable when fishing with a Tenkara rod, considering factors such as casting distance, fly selection, and fish behavior. She also shares insights on playing and landing fish, using controlled choices and maintaining a 90-degree angle to exert steady pressure.


  • Using a Tenkara rod can improve skills with a conventional rod and reel.
  • Tenkara rods provide lightweight and tactile feedback, allowing anglers to feel even subtle movements.
  • Tenkara flies offer versatility in manipulating the fly to mimic different insects and attract fish.
  • Being thoughtful and adaptable is crucial when fishing with a Tenkara rod, considering factors such as casting distance, fly selection, and fish behavior.
  • Maintaining a 90-degree angle and using controlled choices can help in playing and landing fish.

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Christian Bacasa, Host of the Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

By Christian Bacasa
Host of the Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

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