Five Fly Fishing Books to Read | Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

in Fly Fishing Insider Podcast Blog

I put together a list of five fly fishing books that I think every angler should read. If you enjoy trout fishing and want to have more fun doing it because you have read all about the skills and techniques that are required then dive in. 

Selective Trout by Swisher and Richards
Looking for a classic read?  Dive into one of the more detailed and scientific approaches to fly fishing. Swisher and Richards literally dissect fly fishing and put it on display for you.  This book was a gift to me from my mentor and friend and gave me an extreme foundation to build on with these fly fishing books.

Seasons for Trout by Hafele, Hughes, and Morris
When you look at the seasons and start to understand what food is coming alive for fish.  Then you break that down to where the food lives, how the atmosphere changes, and what all that does to the feeding propensities of fish, you get a winning combination.  Having three views or perspectives only makes it better. Especially without having to buy three fly fishing books. 

Nymph Fishing by George Daniel
George breaks down nymphing for you in the only way he knows how.  Get super detailed and specific. You become surgical in nature when you read George’s fly fishing books.

Moving Water by Randall
Currents are the superhighways that deliver food to fish, so understanding them can bring a ton of insights your way. Randal walks you through how to read them and what to execute to be successful when you see them. 

Trout Tracks by McLennan
McKennan brilliantly writes essays on fly fishing with beautiful illustrations to keep you entertained. If you like short stories, then this read is a must-have. It’s like buying 50 small fly fishing books in one and a lifetime of entertainment. 

Bonus Read:

Reading Water - Reading Trout Water by Dave Hughes
When I first started angling, this was one of the best books I read.  Hughes uses since to help you recall the numerous images that he details and why fish are lying where he depicts them.  Real-world photos and detailed stories make you an expert at reading water for fish.

Need more to read?  Look at the books I recommend by category.

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 Christian Bacasa, Host of the Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

By Christian Bacasa
Host of the Fly Fishing Insider Podcast
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