Fly Fishing Insider Podcast Blog

Get More Enjoyment Out of Fly Fishing | The Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

in Fly Fishing Insider Podcast Blog

Fly fishing is a sport that combines skill, patience, and an appreciation for nature. Whether you're a seasoned angler or new to the sport, finding enjoyment in fly fishing can elevate your experience. 

Fly fishing was again popularized by the movie A River Runs Through It where many people saw how simplistic, challenging, and wholesome fly fishing is for the average person.  However, through popularity, it is easy for any angler to get sucked into the challenge and competitiveness of the practice and forget about how important it is to forget about all the outside noise of media, other anglers, and the little devil on your shoulder and focus on enjoyment. For a moment I would like to forgo all the junk and provide a few tips on how to enjoy yourself.

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Understanding Trout Spawning | The Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

in Fly Fishing Insider Podcast Blog

Trout spawning is a fascinating process that plays a crucial role in the life cycle of these fish. Understanding the different aspects of trout spawning can provide insights into their behavior, habitat needs, and conservation requirements. Because the process can be so directly related to the waterways we fish I’m going to provide a detailed exploration of the trout spawning process:

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Part 6: Fly Fishing Conservation is Healing Rivers with Scientific Research | Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

in Fly Fishing Insider Podcast Blog

Fly fishing has long been revered as a rewarding and nuanced outdoor activity, with enthusiasts constantly seeking to unravel its countless intricacies. The Fly Fishing Insider Podcast recently shone light on some fascinating and lesser-known aspects of fly fishing, hosting an engaging discussion between two experienced enthusiasts.

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Part 3, 4 & 5: Fly Fishing Conservation is Healing Rivers with Scientific Research | Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

in Fly Fishing Insider Podcast Blog

Fly Fishing is an intricate sport, intertwining the knowledge of aquatic ecosystems with precise technique. A fascinating aspect of the sport is the pivotal role that insects play in determining the success of a fishing expedition. The Fly Fishing Insider Podcast dives deep into the symbiotic dance between the fish, the fly fisher, and the aquatic bugs, illuminating the nuanced understanding and appreciation developed by anglers for these insects.

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Part 1 & 2: Fly Fishing Conservation is Healing Rivers with Scientific Research | Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

in Fly Fishing Insider Podcast Blog

Let’s look at the vital interconnection of ecology, entomology, and fly fishing, as discussed in a recent episode of the Fly Fishing Insider Podcast. Our host, Christian Bacasa, is joined by the distinguished Donny Benkendorf, a fresh PhD graduate from Utah State University and an incoming post-doc collaborator with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

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Part 1 - Become a Better Angler | Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

in Fly Fishing Insider Podcast Blog

Starting with studying and mastering these two strategies will improve your fly fishing significantly. Focusing on reading water and perfecting your cast is going to build a foundation that so many other techniques and tactics can build on and thrive. Your ability to master these two essentials will accelerate your learning in so many other aspects it is incomparable. 

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