Fly Fishing Insider Podcast Blog

Rod Length Affects on European Nymphing | Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

in Fly Fishing Insider Podcast Blog

I have these calculated distances so a chart that visually compares the scenarios can be created. This will make it easy for anglers to interpret the data and choose the appropriate setup for their fishing needs. What I notice in the chart is that as you increase rod length, your ability to achieve a steeper angle into the water occurs when you have a fixed butt end rod height and fixed leader length.  This is critical because the steeper of your entry point will lead to two factors.  Typically faster water penetration to achieve depth and your steeper leader angle is crossing fewer cross currents.

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Phil Rowley Stillwater Tactics | Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

in Fly Fishing Insider Podcast Blog

Phil Rowley believes you never stop learning in the world of fly fishing. Initially, the lack of resources and information on Stillwater fishing made his learning journey challenging. He heavily relied on the few available books such as 'The Gilly' and the scant literature that was available from authors like Randall Kaufmann. However, he noted that each experience, whether successful or not, became a lesson. Rowley expressed that one of the most rewarding aspects of fly fishing is the continual opportunity to learn and adapt.

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